Friday, March 30, 2012

The power of small infographics departments

The current dominance of big publications with big infographics desks, such as The New York Times and National Geographic in international contests (Malofiej) sometimes makes us forget that there are plenty of much smaller teams out there doing solid work. One of them is La Voz del Interior's, from Córdoba, Argentina.

La Voz's infographics department, led by Juan Colombato, is quite small indeed: three people with backgrounds in Graphic Design and Visual Arts. Still, they manage to deliver impressive illustrated displays on a regular basis. Their style reminds me a bit that of Javier Zarracina (now graphics director at The Boston Globe) and Fernando Baptista (now at National Geographic magazine) when they worked together at El Correo, a regional newspaper in the Basque Country, Spain. I feel compelled to praise their strong focus on local issues, as well. The projects below show how far you can go with very limited resources. Enjoy: