Saturday, February 23, 2013

Getting ready for IC213 (the Netherlands), Malofiej (Spain), and other events about infographics and visualization

You won't read many updates in this blog for the next month. The reason is that my schedule for March and for the beginning of April is quite busy. In a few days, I am flying to the Netherlands to be the keynote speaker at the IC2013 and run an infographics workshop. IC2013 will be a great opportunity to see old friends (John Grimwade, Remy Jon-Ming, Michael Stoll) and meet people who I admire in person (Jan Willem Tulp, among them.)

After that, I will be in Malofiej 21st (see the details of the workshop and of the summit), and teaching a couple of classes at El Mundo's MA in Investigative Reporting, Data, and Visualization. On the first week of April, I will be at Harvard, speaking at the Nieman Journalism Lab and in Hanspeter Pfister's visualization class at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. I may need a break after all this!