Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer reading: Recent books on Math and statistics

Mathematical thinking seems to be quite popular nowadays. After Nate Silver's The Signal and the Noise became a #1, and books like Naked Statistics made it to the bestseller list, publishers have continued offering new titles on a regular basis. A few months ago, I recommended David J. Hand's The Improbability Principle, and Kaiser Fung's Numbersense. Today I'd like to mention the very recent How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking (which I'm currently reading; it's witty and deep,) Everyday Calculus, (which is waiting here by my side,) and The Grapes of Math: How Life Reflects Numbers and Numbers Reflect Life (which I'll buy at Barnes&Noble over the weekend.) Summer is the best time to enjoy a great book, my fellow geeks. Use your time wisely.

Disclaimer: All links above are affiliate links to That means that I'm paid a small amount of money for the books you buy after clicking on them. I don't get any cash directly from Amazon, though, but gift cards that I use to buy more books. The average monthly payment I got last year was $75.