Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Malofej infographics summit has been storified

The 24th Malofiej Infographics summit has just finished. The talks were fantastic this year but, unfortunately, they have not been recorded. To get an idea of what was discussed, you can see the collection of tweets that Geoff McGhee has put together in Storify: One, and two.

I liked all presentations I attended but if I had to choose a few, I'd pick Archie Tse's, Lena Groeger's and the conversation between Richard Saul Wurman and John Grimwade. I hope that the tweets above will convince of something I've said in this blog a while ago: If you do or teach infographics and data visualization for a living, attending Malofiej at least once is a must.

Here's the jury of this year's awards: