Tuesday, September 3, 2019

3D explainer by Folha de São Paulo

On September 2, 2018 a fire destroyed part of Brazil's National Museum.  Júlia Barbon, Marcelo Pliger, and Simon Ducroquet, from the daily Folha de São Paulo, have designed a 3D explanatory piece about the efforts to recover the building and its collections. It's in Portuguese but you can run it through Google Translate.

Simon explained on Twitter that he was inspired by other pieces, such as this one by The New York Times about Notre Dame. He also mentioned the tools he taught himself to make the web-friendly 3D: three.js, Cinema4D, and glTF exporter, which allows you to transfer objects from 3D programs to Javascript.

I used to make 3D animations myself with 3D-Max and Adobe Flash many years ago, and I still teach an intro to 3D class every now and then—see this little experiment of mine with physics in Maya—so I found Simon's explanation particularly compelling.