Friday, September 20, 2019

New data journalism and visualization MOOC

I've been organizing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for many years, but the latest one is the most ambitious to date.

Titled 'Data Journalism and Visualization with Free Tools', it's the product of a collaboration between myself, the Google News Initiative, the Knight Center at the University of Texas, and a large group of instructors (Simon RogersDebra Anderson, Duncan Clark, Jan Diehm, Minhaz Kazi, Dale Markowitz, Marco TĂșlio Pires, and Katherine Riley,) each in charge of a module.

I say it's the most ambitious because it's the first time we offer a course like this in three languages—English, Spanish, and Portuguese,—and also because it covers a wide variety of topics: finding and scraping data; wrangling and cleaning it; exploring it to find insights; visualizing it, and building narratives. It also has an entire module on Machine Learning and AI. The MOOC doesn't require any prior knowledge or purchasing any software tool. It's intended to get you started in all those areas.

On top of that, if you sign up you'll be able to read the first 30+ pages of How Charts Lie in advance of its publication. All for free. The MOOC begins on October 14; see you there!