Monday, December 23, 2013

Download my entire RSS feed

I've just been interviewed by La Nación —an Argentinian newspaper known in visualization circles thanks to its excellent data-driven reporting team— in a section called "My Digital World." I shared a few of my favorite blogs and Twitter feeds. Here's a picture Andrés Azocar has sent me (this is the print version, as the short piece is not online yet):

In case you don't understand Spanish, here's the list: Perceptual Edge, VisualLoop, Why Evolution is True,,, Arts & Letters Daily, FiveThirtyEight, Andrés Azocar, and Nieman Lab. Choosing them was extremely difficult, as I follow nearly 1,500 Twitter feeds and more than 200 blogs and websites. Among the latter, around 170 are related to infographics, visualization, charts, cartography, data journalism, statistics, etc., so I thought that this would be a good opportunity to share my feed with everyone: Download it either as a simple txt file (just copy and paste its content to your reader) and as an opml file, which can be directly imported to RSS software tools, as far as I know.